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/Blog/4 min read

When planning a kitchen, you have to pay attention to many details and make numerous decisions. Not only the functionality, practicality and orientation of the kitchen are important, but also aesthetically oriented questions such as: What color should the fronts of the kitchen cabinets be? Do the colors match the floor color? Which handles will I choose? Should the countertops be in light or dark colors?

If you don’t want to end up with a kitchen that looks like it was designed by a circus clown, all of your choices should have some system to them. Even if you’re more of a professional chef who only pays attention to which electrical appliances are positioned where, you still have to decide on colors and design when buying a new kitchen. The color of the countertops plays a big role in this. Besides the kitchen appliances, the countertops are the most important factors of a kitchen – after all, you work on them every day.

A question of combination

I still know my grandmother’s old kitchen: it was either made of dark wood with thick marble slabs or dark granite slabs as countertops, or it was in pastel green. Usually the bathroom was then also in this color or even in pastel pink. Chic! In these kitchens, you always had the feeling that you were locked in a cave. Because the dark and lifeless colors harmonized perfectly with the dark red tiled floor. Even rays of sunlight were swallowed up by the dark power of the kitchen. So that even in broad daylight, you had to turn on the kitchen lights to even see if you were cutting a cucumber, a tomato, or your own fingers.

So the color of the countertop is first of all a question of combination with the kitchen cabinets and floor. Because if everything is kept very dark, the countertop should be light – so that at least something in the kitchen reflects light and makes a friendly impression. If the fronts and the floor are very light, the countertops should be kept in dark tones, so that in the kitchen you do not feel like in the hospital.

Clean, clean, clean

Of course, the question of cleaning effort is equally important. On black countertops, you can see every grain of salt and every bread crumb. Wiping usually leaves a splash of water that needs to be removed with a dry cloth so you don’t see the stains. On white countertops, you see every coffee stain and sauce splatter. So it’s both about the same in terms of cleaning effort. So you have a choice between the devil and Beelzebub. Much better are patterned countertops – stone countertops, for example. Whether light or dark, stone always has an effect with a small pattern. Even if the effect is just glued on and the countertop isn’t really made of stone: with a fine pattern, stains are harder to see and so you can just not wipe the surfaces clean on a lazy day.

So the answer is simple: light countertops for dark kitchen cabinets and dark countertops for light kitchen cabinets. Ideally, countertops should not just be one color throughout, but are best with a slight pattern. So it’s a matter of taste how you want to keep your countertops and cabinets.


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Schedule A Free Apppointment  & Ask For A Quote

Premium Granite believes in the importance of clients handpicking stone for their personal projects, which is why we offer showrooms and warehouse located at 4215 Walney Rd Unit L, Chantilly, VA 20151.

For further information on kitchen countertops  or to add granitemarble or quartz countertops to your kitchen, call Premium Granite. You can also make a free appointment to get service in:

MerrifieldDunn LoringAnnandaleDullesOaktonAldieWarrentonWoodbridgeLortonSterling, Alexandria, ArlingtonPotomac FallsSouth RidingGainesvilleViennaMcLean,  GaithersburgGreat FallsBethesdaRockvilleLeesburgCliftonHaymarketBurkeDumfriesDale CitySpringfield, RestonCentrevilleAshburn, HerndonManassasFairfaxFairfax Station, Chantilly VA.

Premium Granite is the best Quartz Granite Marble Countertop fabricator in Chantilly, Virginia. We offer many options to customers to choose the best match for their countertop project  with a contemporary styles and affordable budget. You can use “granite countertops near me” and “quartz countertops near me” to inform about countertops selection.


Granite Countertops: Chantilly Herndon Fairfax VA


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